Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics

Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics | As the availability of powerful computer resources has grown over the last three decades, the art of computation of electromagnetic (EM) problems has also grown - exponentially. Despite this dramatic growth, however, the EM community lacked a comprehensive text on the computational techniques used to solve EM problems. The first edition of Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics filled that gap and became the reference of choice for thousands of engineers, researchers, and students.The Second Edition of this bestselling text reflects the continuing increase in awareness and use of numerical techniques and incorporates advances and refinements made in recent years.

Most notable among these are the improvements made to the standard algorithm for the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method and treatment of absorbing boundary conditions in FDTD, finite element, and transmission-line-matrix methods. The author also added a chapter on the method of lines.Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics continues to teach readers how to pose, numerically analyze, and solve EM problems, give them the ability to expand their problem-solving skills using a variety of methods, and prepare them for research in electromagnetism. Now the Second Edition goes even further toward providing a comprehensive resource that addresses all of the most useful computation methods for EM problems.

Electrical Power Cable Engineering

Electrical Power Cable Engineering | Electrical Power Cable Engineering, Second Edition remains the foremost reference on universally used low- and medium-voltage electrical power cables, cataloging technical characteristics and assuring success for cable manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance. While segments on electrical cable insulation and field assessment have been revamped to reflect industry transformations, new chapters tackle distinctive topics like the location of underground system faults and the thermal resistivity of concrete, proving that this expanded edition lays the soundest foundation for engineering decisions.


High-Fidelity Multichannel Audio Coding

The first part covers the basic topics on audio compression, such as quantization, entropy coding, psychoacoustic model, and sound quality assessment. The second part of the book highlights the current most prevalent low-bit-rate high-performance audio coding standards—MPEG-4 audio. More space is given to the audio standards that are capable of supporting multichannel signals, that is, MPEG advance audio coding (AAC), including the original MPEG-2 AAC technology, additional MPEG-4 toolsets, and the most recent aacPlus standard. The third part of this book introduces several innovate multichannel audio coding tools, which have been demonstrated to further improve the coding performance and expand the available functionalities of MPEG AAC, and is more suitable for graduate students and researchers in the advanced level.

Control Theory and Optimization

Control Theory and Optimization  | This book is devoted to geometric methods in the theory of differential equations with quadratic right-hand sides (Riccati-type equations), which are closely related to the calculus of variations and optimal control theory. Connections of the calculus of variations and the Riccati equation with the geometry of Lagrange-Grassmann manifolds and classical Cartan-Siegel homogeneity domains in a space of several complex variables are considered. In the study of the minimization problem for a multiple integral, a quadratic partial differential equation that is an analogue of the Riccati equation in the calculus of varatiations is studied. This book is based on lectures given by the author ower a period of several years in the Department of Mechanics and Mathematics of Moscow State University. The book is addressed to undergraduate and graduate students, scientific researchers and all specialists interested in the problems of geometry, the calculus of variations, and differential equations.


Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version

Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version  | This book provides an exceptionally clear introduction to DC/AC circuits supported by superior exercises, examples, and illustrations—and an emphasis on troubleshooting and applications. It features an exciting full color format which uses color to enhance the instructional value of photographs, illustrations, tables, charts, and graphs. Throughout the book's coverage, the use of mathematics is limited to only those concepts that are needed for understanding.

Floyd's acclaimed troubleshooting emphasis, as always, provides learners with the problem solving experience they need for a successful career in electronics. Chapter topics cover components, quantities and units; voltage, current, and resistance; Ohm's Law; energy and power; series circuits; parallel circuits; series-parallel circuits; circuit theorems and conversions; branch, mesh, and node analysis; magnetism and electromagnetism; an introduction to alternating current and voltage; phasors and complex numbers; capacitors; inductors; transformers; RC circuits; RL circuits; RLC circuits and resonance; basic filters; circuit theorems in AC analysis; pulse response of reactive circuits; and polyphase systems in power applications. For electronics technicians, electronics teachers, and electronics hobbyists.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Computer System Architecture 3rd Edition AND Solution Manual

Computer System Architecture 3rd Edition AND Solution Manual

Focused primarily on hardware design and organization - and the impact of software on the architecture - this volume first covers the basic organization, design, and programming of a simple digital computer, then explores the separate functional units in detail.

The first seven chapters cover material needed for an understanding of computer organization

Develops an elementary computer to demonstrate by example the organization and design of digital computers.

Uses a simple register transfer language to specify various computer operations. and design as well as programming of an example computer using basic components. The final six chapters present the organization and architecture of the separate functional units of the digital computer with an emphasis on advanced topics.


Fundamentals of Aerodynamics John D. Anderson and Solution Manual




Solution Manual



Numerical Analysis by Richard L.Burden and J.Douglas Faires.

Microsoft Visual C#.NET 2003 Kick Start By Steven Holzner

* * * Publisher:* Sams

* * * Number Of Pages:* 624

* * * Publication Date:* 2003-07-04

* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0672325470

* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780672325472

* * * Binding:* Paperback

Product Description:

Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start is a rapid-progression tutorial that presents the C# language to working programmers who are already familiar with another programming language or tool. This book speeds through basic concepts and focuses on practical examples showing the advantages of C# .NET 2003 in ASP programming, application design and creation, and .NET Web Services development.

While Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start assumes no knowledge of C# or the .NET Framework, it skips the handholding and basic programming instruction associated with entry-level tutorials. Full of code examples, tips, and profession insights, this book is about maximum payoff with minimum effort for the working programmer who wants to use Visual C# .NET 2003 now.


Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics by Michael J. Moran, Howard N. Shapiro

his book is a college level Thermodynamics book written for students who are pursuing a degree in Mechanical Engineering. As one reviewer pointed out, this book, unfortunately, will force you to think and will not simply provide you with the formulas necessary to solve all the problems in the back.

I purchased this book as a supplement to the required text for the thermo course I was taking. I found it extremely helpful in filling in the gaps left by my text with many thorough example problems. I have recommended this book to our faculty as a replacement to our current text.


The Behavior of Structures Composed of Composite Materials By J.R. Vinson, R.L. Sierakowski

The Behavior of Structures Composed of Composite Materials By J.R. Vinson, R.L. Sierakowski


Friday, February 11, 2011

An Embedded Software Primer By David E. Simon

Publisher:* Addison-Wesley Professional
* * * Number Of Pages:* 448
* * * Publication Date:* 1999-08-15
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 020161569X
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780201615692
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Book Description:
An Embedded Software Primer is a clearly written, insightful manual for engineers interested in writing embedded-system software. The example-driven approach puts you on a fast track to understanding embedded-system programming and applying what you learn to your projects. This book will give you the necessary foundation to work confidently in this field.

Building on your basic knowledge of computer programming concepts, this book is right for you will help you to:

* Learn core principles and advanced techniques of embedded-system software.
* Find out what a real-time operating system (RTOS) does and how to use one effectively.
* Experiment with sample code and the (C/OS RTOS version 1.11 (on the accompanying CD).
* Apply what you learn, no matter which microprocessor or RTOS you use.

After reading this book, you will be able to tackle the challenges of embedded system programming and quickly reap the benefits of your new skills. Publisher:* Addison-Wesley Professional
* * * Number Of Pages:* 448
* * * Publication Date:* 1999-08-15
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 020161569X
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780201615692
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Book Description:
An Embedded Software Primer is a clearly written, insightful manual for engineers interested in writing embedded-system software. The example-driven approach puts you on a fast track to understanding embedded-system programming and applying what you learn to your projects. This book will give you the necessary foundation to work confidently in this field.

Building on your basic knowledge of computer programming concepts, this book is right for you will help you to:

* Learn core principles and advanced techniques of embedded-system software.
* Find out what a real-time operating system (RTOS) does and how to use one effectively.
* Experiment with sample code and the (C/OS RTOS version 1.11 (on the accompanying CD).
* Apply what you learn, no matter which microprocessor or RTOS you use.

After reading this book, you will be able to tackle the challenges of embedded system programming and quickly reap the benefits of your new skills.


Mathematical methods in aerodynamics by Lazăr Dragoş

Title: Mathematical methods in aerodynamics
Author: Lazăr Dragoş 
ISBN-10: 9732709863
Publishers: Kluwer Academic Publishers/Editura Academiei Române
Year: 2003
Pages: 590

The book provides a solid and unitary mathematical foundation of the basic and advanced principles of aerodynamics. The densities of the fundamental solutions are determined from singular integral equations. The fundamental solutions method in aerodynamics was considered for the first time and used by the author in over 30 papers published in prestigious journals (e.g. QAM, AIAA, ZAMM, etc) in order to develop a unitary theory. The boundary element method is used for numerical approximations in compressible aerodynamics. The text incorporates several original contributions, among other traditional mathematical methods. The book also represents a comprehensive presentation of research results since the seminal books on aerodynamics of Ashley and Landahl (1965) and Katz & Plotkin (1991). A rigorous mathematical approach is used to present and explain classic and modern results in this field of science. The author has therefore conceived several appendices on the Distribution Theory, the singular Integral Equations Theory, the Finite Part, Gauss Quadrature Formulae, etc. The book is concluded by a relevant bibliographical list which is especially useful for researchers. The book is aimed primarily at applied mathematicians, aeronautical engineers and space science researchers. The text may be used also as a comprehensive introduction to the mathematical foundations fo aerodynamics, by graduate students in engineering and fluid dynamics with a strong mathematical background.
Download Links:

Error Control Coding: Fundamentals and Applications (Prentice-Hall Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering Series) By Shu Lin, Daniel J. Costello

* * * Publisher:* Prentice Hall
* * * Number Of Pages:* 603
* * * Publication Date:* 1983
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 013283796X
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780132837965
* * * Binding:* Hardcover
Product Description:
A reorganized and comprehensive major revision of a classic book, this edition provides a bridge between introductory digital communications and more advanced treatment of information theory. Completely updated to cover the latest developments, it presents state-of-the-art error control techniques. Coverage of the fundamentals of coding and the applications of codes to the design of real error control systems. Contains the most recent developments of coded modulation, trellises for codes, soft-decision decoding algorithms, turbo coding for reliable data transmission and other areas. There are two new chapters on Reed-Solomon codes & concatenated coding schemes. Also contains hundreds of new and revised examples; and more than 200 illustrations of code structures, encoding and decoding circuits and error performance of many important codes and error control coding systems. Appropriate for those with minimum mathematical background as a comprehensive reference for coding theory.

Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and ReuseBy Metcalf&Eddy Inc., George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L Burton, H.David Stensel

Publisher: McGraw Hill Higher Education
Number Of Pages: 1408
Publication Date: 2002-05-01
ISBN-10 / ASIN: 007124140X
ISBN-13 / EAN: 9780071241403 
Product Description:

“Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, 4/e” is a thorough update of McGraw-Hill’s authoritative book on wastewater treatment. No environmental engineering professional or civil or and environmental engineering major should be without a copy of this book. It describes the technological and regulatory changes that have occurred over the last ten years in this discipline, including: improved techniques for the characterization of wastewaters; improved fundamental understanding of many of the existing unit operations and processes used for wastewater treatment, especially those processes used for the biological removal of nutrients; greater implementation of several newer treatment technologies (e.g., UV disinfection, membrane filtration, and heat drying); greater concern for the long term health and environmental impacts of wastewater constituents; greater emphasis on advanced wastewater treatment and risk assessment for water reuse applications; changes in regulations and the development of new technologies for wastewater disinfection; and new regulations governing the treatment, reuse, and disposal of sludge (biosolids). Greater concern for infrastructure renewal including upgrading the design and performance of wastewater treatment plants. This revision contains a strong focus on advanced wastewater treatment technologies and stresses the reuse aspects of wastewater and biosolid

Organic Chemistry By Jonathan Clayden, Nick Greeves, Stuart Warren, Peter Wothers

Publisher:* * Oxford University Press, USA
* * * Number Of Pages:* 1536
* * * Publication Date:* 2000-08-31
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0198503466
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780198503460
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
This new and innovative text helps students develop a deeper understanding of organic chemistry. It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and “language.” Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book’s innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a “Connections” box, divided into three columns:Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapterArriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapterLooking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material
This new and innovative text helps students develop a deeper understanding of organic chemistry. It treats the subject as a coherent whole, complete with numerous logical connections, consequences, and an underlying structure and “language.” Employing an approach based on mechanism and reaction type, the book empasizes understanding ideas rather than merely memorizing facts. It shows students how to realistically draw molecules and mechanisms to reveal the fundamental chemistry.Using a fresh, accessible writing style as well as examples from everyday life, the authors explain the basics of organic chemistry carefully and thoroughly. A special focus on mechanism, orbitals, and stereochemistry helps students gain a solid comprehension of important factors common to all reactions. The book’s innovative design enhances clarity and instruction with boxes that separate summary information and other material from the main text; a variety of colors that draw attention to items such as atoms, molecules, and orbitals; and figures that are drawn in red with significant parts emphasized in black. Early chapters feature carbonyl group reactions, and later chapters systematically develop the chemistry through discussions of spectroscopy, stereochemistry, and chemical reactions.Each chapter opens with a “Connections” box, divided into three columns:Building on: Details material from previous chapters that relate to the current chapterArriving at: Provides a guide to the content of the chapterLooking forward to: Previews later chapters, which develop and expand the current material

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Microsoft Visual C#.NET 2003 Kick Start By Steven Holzner

* * * Publisher:* Sams
* * * Number Of Pages:* 624
* * * Publication Date:* 2003-07-04
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0672325470
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780672325472
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start is a rapid-progression tutorial that presents the C# language to working programmers who are already familiar with another programming language or tool. This book speeds through basic concepts and focuses on practical examples showing the advantages of C# .NET 2003 in ASP programming, application design and creation, and .NET Web Services development.
While Microsoft Visual C# .NET 2003 Kick Start assumes no knowledge of C# or the .NET Framework, it skips the handholding and basic programming instruction associated with entry-level tutorials. Full of code examples, tips, and profession insights, this book is about maximum payoff with minimum effort for the working programmer who wants to use Visual C# .NET 2003 now.

Core Java™ 2, Volume II--Advanced Features (7th Edition) (Core Series) By Cay S. Horstmann, Gary Cornell

* * * Publisher:* Prentice Hall PTR
* * * Number Of Pages:* 1024
* * * Publication Date:* 2004-12-02
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0131118269
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780131118263
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Picking up where the authors' first volume on Java left off, Core Java 2, Volume 2 covers the more advanced features of the Java 2 platform that can add polish and power to your Java programs. The authors' accessible--yet thorough--coverage of essential Java APIs help make this book an attractive choice for any working Java developer.

Several chapters here are especially useful for getting control of new and important Java 2 features. Sections on the new Java 2 collection classes and using advanced Swing classes (like tables and trees) are particularly good. (While many other books just list Swing APIs, this volume provides short examples and effective commentary, which will let you master these complex Swing controls.) When it comes to Java2D graphics, the authors do a nice job of comparing the old AWT to the new Java2D, including drawing basic shapes and doing text output. (These operations are surprisingly tricky in this new API). A section on the new JDBC 2 standard shows off new features like ResultSets and scrollable cursors to good effect.

More advanced topics include multithreading, internationalization, and security. Throughout, this text introduces important concepts illustrated with comprehensible examples. The APIs for individual classes are listed too, making it possible to use this book as a reference, but it is the tutorial sections that stand out here. (The authors also aren't afraid to point out where Java 2 is lacking--for example, in its printing support.)

Readers of the first volume will naturally want the second volume of Core Java 2 too. It's also a great choice for any Java developer with JDK 1.1 experience who wants a tour of new Java 2 features that are essential for serious corporate development. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered: Java 2 advanced APIs, multithreading and synchronization, Java 2 collections, networking, databases and JDBC 2 (cursors and result sets), RMI and remote objects, Swing user interface classes, printing, tables and trees, JavaBeans, security and deployment, internationalization issues, JNI and native methods.

ASP.NET Website Programming: Problem - Design - Solution, C# Edition By Marco Bellinaso, Kevin Hoffman

* * * Publisher:* Wrox
* * * Number Of Pages:* 576
* * * Publication Date:* 2002-03-28
* * * ISBN-10 / ASIN:* 0764543776
* * * ISBN-13 / EAN:* 9780764543777
* * * Binding:* Paperback
Product Description:
What is this book about?

ASP.NET Website Programming shows you how to build an interactive website from design to deployment.

Packed with solutions to website programming problems, this book will have you building well-engineered, extendable ASP.NET websites quickly and easily

What does this book cover?

In this book, you will learn how to

* * * Establish a solid, scalable website foundation
* * * Provide flexible user accounts integrating with ASP.NET's built-in security
* * * Create message forums that enable formatted messages but defend against cross-site scripting
* * * Generate revenue from advertising
* * * Build a web interface for uploading, downloading, editing, and managing the files on your site
* * * Add opinion polls, email newsletters, and news management
* * * Deploy the finished site on a live server
* * * Build websites using good, n-tier coding techniques 

The site we build is modular. You can slot the modules into your own website, modify them, or use them as examples of particular ASP.NET techniques.

Who is this book for?

This book is for developers who

* * * Use ASP.NET and C#
* * * Use Visual Studio .NET Professional or above, or Visual C# .NET Standard
* * * Want to build content-based websites

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Advanced Computing, Part III

Advanced Computing, Part III | The 46 revised full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected. The papers are organized in topical sections on soft computing, such as AI, Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems, etc.; distributed and parallel systems and algorithms; security and information assurance; ad hoc and ubiquitous computing; wireless ad hoc networks and sensor networks.

Functional Properties of Bio-Inspired Surfaces

Functional Properties of Bio-Inspired Surfaces |Different microscopy techniques used for characterizing these technological useful biological surfaces such as scanning electron microscopy, environmental scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and atomic force microscopy, are discussed in the following chapters. Then, several methods such as laser metallurgy, electrodeposition and plasma-based processes, which are used for modifying the topography and composition of material surfaces to obtain specific functional properties with technological applications, are demonstrated.

MATLAB Programming for Engineers

MATLAB Programming for Engineers | The first text of its kind, Stephen Chapman’s best selling book on MATLAB has now been updated to reflect MATLAB 6.0. The first edition has been highly successful in engineering schools where introductory programming is taught using MATLAB rather than a traditional programming language. Although C, C++, and Java suit the needs of computer science students well, most engineering students will not be programmers by trade. Engineering students use computer tools to perform complex tasks such as scientific calculations, data analysis, simulations, and visualization: all skills students will use again in upper level classes. MATLAB provides several built in toolkits to help students accomplish these tasks, as well as an integrated devlopment environment. This book is distinctly unique from other MATLAB books in two ways. First, it is an introduction to MATLAB as a technical programming language rather than an introduction to the MATLAB environment. The author includes numerous pedagogical tools such as special boxes that highlight good programming practices, boxes that detail common pitfalls in MATLAB programming, and numerous programming exercises and examples. The book also makes wide use of MATLAB’s predefined functions that provide tested solutions and time saved in writing subroutines or functions.

Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers

Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers | The versatility of the emulsion copolymerization reaction and the ability to control the properties of the final latices have led to rapid expansion both in the quantity of polyvinylacetate and vinyl acetate-acrylic copolymer latices and in their applications. Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers provides a collection and logical organization of the published data – much of it formerly found fragmented throughout various journals and little of it referenced in general emulsion polymerization books. To date, no one source has offered chemists and polymer, surface, or colloid specialists the “big picture” of polyvinylacetate-based latices.Integrating established knowledge with the latest research developments, this book provides the background for understanding the mechanism and kinetics of emulsion polymerization initiated in the aqueous phase and some of the practical problems of latex production. The author presents an overview of industrial practices, new applications, and all of the fundamental material – avoiding theoretical controversies.With in-depth discussion of the ingredients found in most industrial recipes, Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Polymerization and Copolymerization with Acrylic Monomers helps eliminate costly and time-consuming “trial and error” practices. It serves not only as an introduction for those new to the field, but also as a valuable reference for researchers and applied scientists in both industry and academia.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface, 3rd Edition

By David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy,
Publisher:   Morgan Kaufmann
Number Of Pages:   656
Publication Date:   2004-08-02
Sales Rank:   10451
ISBN / ASIN:   1558606041
EAN:   9781558606043
Binding:   Paperback
Manufacturer:   Morgan Kaufmann
Studio:   Morgan Kaufmann
Average Rating:   4

A revised printing for this book will be available in June 2007!
Whats New in the Third Edition, Revised Printing
The same great book gets better! The revised printing features all of the original content along with these additional features:
Appendix A (Assemblers, Linkers, and the SPIM Simulator) has been moved from the CD-ROM into the printed book
Corrections and bug fixes
Click here to request a desk copy of the revised printing!
About the Third Edition
In addition to thoroughly updating every aspect of the text to reflect the most current computing technology, the third edition
*Uses standard 32-bit MIPS 32 as the primary teaching ISA.
*Presents the assembler-to-HLL translations in both C and Java.
*Highlights the latest developments in architecture in Real Stuff sections:
+ Intel IA-32
+ Power PC 604
+ Googles PC cluster
+ Pentium P4
+ SPEC CPU2000 benchmark suite for processors
+ SPEC Web99 benchmark for web servers
+ EEMBC benchmark for embedded systems
+ AMD Opteron memory hierarchy
+ AMD vs. 1A-64

New support for distinct course goals
Many of the adopters who have used our book throughout its two editions are refining their courses with a greater hardware or software focus. We have provided new material to support these course goals:
New material to support a Hardware Focus
+Using logic design conventions
+Designing with hardware description languages
+Advanced pipelining
+Designing with FPGAs
+HDL simulators and tutorials
+Xilinx CAD tools
New material to support a Software Focus
+How compilers Work
+How to optimize compilers
+How to implement object oriented languages
+MIPS simulator and tutorial
+History sections on programming languages, compilers, operating systems and databases
Whats New in the Third Edition
New pedagogical features
Understanding Program Performance 
-Analyzes key performance issues from the programmers perspective
Check Yourself Questions 
-Helps students assess their understanding of key points of a section
Computers In the Real World 
-Illustrates the diversity of applications of computing technology beyond traditional desktop and servers
For More Practice
-Provides students with additional problems they can tackle
In More Depth 
-Presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced student

New reference features
Highlighted glossary terms and definitions appear on the book page, as bold-faced entries in the index, and as a separate and searchable reference on the CD.
A complete index of the material in the book and on the CD appears in the printed index and the CD includes a fully searchable version of the same index.
Historical Perspectives and Further Readings have been updated and expanded to include the history of software R&D.
CD-Library provides materials collected from the web which directly support the text.
On the CD
CD-Bars: Full length sections that are introduced in the book and presented on the CD
CD-Appendixes: The entire set of appendixes
CD-Library: Materials collected from the web which directly support the text
CD-Exercises: For More Practice provides exercises and solutions for self-study
In More Depth presents new information and challenging exercises for the advanced or curious student
Glossary: Terms that are defined in the text are collected in this searchable reference
Further Reading: References are organized by the chapter they support
Software: HDL simulators, MIPS simulators, and FPGA design tools
Tutorials: SPIM, Verilog, and VHDL
Additional Support: Processor Models, Labs, Homeworks, Index covering the book and CD contents
Instructor Support
+ Instructor Support is provided in a password-protected site to adopters who request the password from our sales representative
+ Solutions to all the exercises 
+ Figures from the book in a number of formats
+ Lecture slides prepared by the authors and other instructors
+ Lecture notes
System Requirements
Operating System
Most of the content on this CD can be used under any operating system that includes an HTML browser and a PDF viewer. This includes Windows 98 or later, Mac OS 9 and OS X, and most Linux and Unix systems. Some contributed software on this CD is operating system specific. See the installation instructions on the Software page for details.
HTML Browser
The navigation framework and some of the content on this CD is delivered in HTML and JavaScript. It is recommended that you install the latest version of your favorite HTML browser to view this CD. The content has been verified under Windows 2000 with the following browsers:
Internet Explorer 6.0, Mozilla 1.6, Netscape 7.1, Opera 7.23. Under Mac OS X with the following browsers: Internet Explorer 5.2.3, Mozilla 1.6 , Netscape 7.1, Safari 1.2. And under Mandrake Linux with the following browser:
Galeon 1.3.8.
The content is designed to be viewed in a browser window that is at least 720 pixels wide. You may find the content does not display well if your display is not set to at least 1024x768 pixel resolution.
PDF Viewer
The CD material includes PDF documents that you can read with a PDF viewer such as Adobe® Acrobat® or Adobe Reader®. Recent versions of Adobe Reader for supported platforms are included on the CD. Visit the Adobe Reader home page for more information.
Browser Plugins
Some of the material on this CD makes use of Flash® animations. To view this material, you will need to have Macromedia®Flash Player installed. You can install the Shockwave® Player (which includes Flash) on Windows and Macintosh from this CD. Visit the Macromedia homepage for more information. Note that recent versions of some browsers, including Internet Explorer, Netscape, and AOL, already incorporate Flash Player.
Some of the material on this CD contains photographic panoramas that can only be viewed with the iseemedia Zoom Viewer browser plugin on Windows and Mac OS 9 platforms. Visit iseemedia's website for download instructions.
For instructor resources click on the grey "companion site" button found on the right side of this page.
This new edition represents a major revision. 
New to this edition:
* Entire Text has been updated to reflect new technology
* 70% new exercises.
* Includes a CD loaded with software, projects and exercises to support courses using a number of tools 
* A new interior design presents defined terms in the margin for quick reference 
* A new feature, "Understanding Program Performance" focuses on performance from the programmer's perspective 
* Two sets of exercises and solutions, "For More Practice" and "In More Depth," are included on the CD 
* "Check Yourself" questions help students check their understanding of major concepts 
* "Computers In the Real World" feature illustrates the diversity of uses for information technology 
*More detail below...

Disorganized and "uncut"
I had to purchase this book for a graduate school course. There is a lot of good information here. Unfortunately lengthy examples and tangents muddy it up pretty badly. Also, I think the author(s) could have safely assumed that readers are familiar with programming; maybe that perspective could have grounded and guided the chapter flow a little better.
Looking at any 1 section, the writing is good and the explanations are clear for the most part. The catch is that the book as a whole is a collection of enormous disorganized chapters; chapter 2 is almost 100 pages. This work is dire need of editing and some understanding of its intended audience.

very good but hated the topic
goes beyond simple digital logic and into more boring technical details like the true calculation of CPU cycle run time - hated the class and my professor almost failed me - make sure you take the right professor with the college course - very time consuming and not fun at all

Nice book
This book is one of the better books that I have used for my courses. Even though the subject taught at hand is not trivial this book makes it a lot simpler. Trust me this book is a lot better than some other books I have seen. 500% better than Digital Design by Mano.

Good information; poor presentation
The information contained in this book is sound, and the coverage of a variety of topics is relatively thorough. It is, however, difficult to appreciate these strengths given the numerous flaws in the text. Minor flaws include numerous misleading typographical errors, and too little attention to the flow of information.

The big mistake, though, is the failure to publish a complete book. If you want to learn from this book, then you will need to spend a good bit of time either sitting at a computer reading, or printing out the PDF files on the accompanying CD. The appendices (which are not extraneous, but rather a fundamental part of the text which contain information that's referred to throughout the book) are included ONLY on the accompanying CD. For more than 50% of the review exercises are just references to PDF files. The contents of the CD are not available from the publisher's web site. Do NOT buy a used copy of this book that's missing the accompanying CD. If you like taking books with you to read away from the office, don't buy this book at all. You'll spend too much effort wondering why the printer felt the need to offload a good bit of the printing work onto you. All of this is made even less tolerable by the poor information flow, which will leave you needing to make reference to the appendices many times throughout virtually all other chapters of the book.

It's possible that a future edition may fix these issues. Until then, there have to be better ways to learn.password: